---------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadMe for Cut-It-Out!(TM) version 1.0 For Microsoft Windows 3.1x, Windows for Workgroups and Windows 95. September 1996 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cut-It-Out!, EasyHelp and Image Cutter are trademarks of New Science Products, Inc. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. (c) Copyright New Science Products, Inc. 1996 All Rights Reserved. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT ------------------------ To view Readme.txt on screen in Notepad, maximize the Notepad window. To print Readme.txt, open it in Notepad or another word processor, and then use the Print command on the File menu. -------- CONTENTS -------- 1 - OVERVIEW 1.1 - Contents of This Product 1.2 - Description 1.3 - System Requirements 1.4 - File Packing Slip 1.5 - Credits 2 - INSTALLING 2.1 - Installing from Disk 2.2 - Installing from the Internet 3 - HELP 3.3 - EasyHelp for Buttons 3.4 - Description of Menu Functions 4 - SUPPORT 4.1 - Product Support Worldwide 4.2 - Calling New Science Products Support 4.3 - TOLL FREE Support 5 - DISTRIBUTION 5.1 - Distribution Requirements 5.2 - Duplication Instructions 5.3 - Uploading Instructions 6 - UNINSTALLING 6.1 - Uninstall using Cut-It-Out! Uninstall Utility 6.2 - Uninstall manually from Windows 3.1x 6.3 - Uninstall manually from Windows 95 6.4 - Uninstalling shared files 7 - LEGAL AND MISCELLANEOUS 7.1 - Ombudsman Statement 7.2 - Disclaimer/Agreement You are encouraged to pass a copy of Cut-It-Out! along to your friends for evaluation. Please encourage them to register their copy. See section 5, DISTRIBUTION. See the 'Registration' topic in the 'Help' menu of Cut-It-Out! for registration information. NOTE: If at the end of evaluation you decide you do not want to use Cut-It-Out! and don't register, you must uninstall Cut-It-Out! to avoid copyright violation. Cut-It-Out!'s uninstall feature provides for easy removal of all files and restores all system settings to their previous condition. ------------ 1 - OVERVIEW ------------ 1.1 - Contents of This Product ------------------------------ This product contains the following: - Cut-It-Out! version 1.0 Image Capture System - Cut-It-Out! ReadMe text file (this document) - Association of Shareware Professionals' Ombudsman Statement - Cut-It-Out! Uninstall Utility 1.2 - Description ----------------- Cut-It-Out! v1.0 is a screen image capture and manipulation program. The sizable image cutter is fully palette aware, preserving full image fidelity. Use by framing any image on the screen and saving to a viewing gallery. Rapid fire snapshots are accumulated in the viewer for later review. No need to use-it-or-lose-it like the windows clipboard. Captured images can be saved to disk, copied and pasted to your other applications, or printed out for a hard copy. Very easy to use with an extensive array of menu functions and button bar tools. Works with all types of images, programs and Web browsers. Can be used for building your personal art collection or working with images for graphic creations and desktop publishing. (Art is often copyrighted and its reuse may be restricted. Check with the art copyright owner before the reuse of art.) Has pop-up context sensitive help and built-in uninstall. Association of Shareware Professionals compliant package. THIS PRODUCT IS IN NO WAY INTENDED TO ENCOURAGE COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT OR TO BE USED IN ANY ILLEGAL ACTIVITY OF ANY KIND. 1.3 - System Requirements ------------------------- - A personal computer, 386 processor or higher - Microsoft Windows 3.1 or 3.11 or Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.1 or 3.11 or Microsoft Windows 95 - At least 4 megabytes (Mb) of memory (RAM) - A hard drive with 1 megabyte (Mb) of free space - A VGA or higher resolution monitor - A mouse or other Windows compatible pointing device Windows requires the VBRUN300.DLL file to run Cut-It-Out! If you have choosen the version that does not include this file, you must assure that it is in your windows\system directory before running Cut-It-Out! Note for Windows 3.1x users: This is a 16-bit program and therefore you do not need to have Win32s(R) installed on your computer. 1.4 - File Packing Slip ----------------------- Files supplied with Cut-It-Out! 1.0 1. - Aspomb.txt 2Kb 09/01/96 01:00:00am 2. - Cio.fil 1Kb 09/01/96 01:00:00am 3. - Cio10.win 300Kb 09/01/96 01:00:00am 4. - Cmdialog.vbx 19Kb 04/28/93 07:00:00am 5. - File_id.diz 1Kb 09/01/96 01:00:00am 6. - Install.exe 109Kb 09/01/96 01:00:00am 7. - Readme.txt 25Kb 09/01/96 01:00:00am 8. - Setup.exe 6Kb 09/01/96 01:00:00am (optional) 9. - Uninstal.win 18Kb 09/01/96 01:00:00am 10.- Vbrun300.dll 390Kb 05/12/93 12:00:00am (optional) 11.- Vendinfo.diz 37Kb 09/01/96 01:00:00am Note: see Packing Slip in VENDINFO record for exact file size. 1.5 - Credits ------------- Engineer : Steve Du Buis Editor : S. Kay Snyder Validation : Mike D. Meyers -------------------------------------- 2 - INSTALLING Cut-It-Out! for Windows -------------------------------------- 2.1 - Installing from Disk -------------------------- step 1 - Start Windows. step 2 - Put Cut-It-Out! installation disk in your drive. step 3 - [Win 3.1x] Open Program Manager and select 'Run...' from the File Menu. [Win 95 ] Click Start and select 'Run...' step 4 - Enter a:\install (or b:\install) using the correct letter for your drive. step 5 - Click on the OK button. step 6 - Follow instructions as they appear on your screen. 2.2 - Installing from the Internet ---------------------------------- To install Cut-It-Out! from On-line services, the Internet or BBS. step 1 - Start Windows. step 2 - [Win 3.1x] Open Program Manager and select 'Run...' from the File Menu. [Win 95 ] Click Start and select 'Run...' step 3 - Enter the complete path to the unzipped Cut-It-Out! files with file name "install". (i.e., c:\download\temp\install.exe) step 4 - Click on the OK button. step 5 - Follow instructions as they appear on your screen. -------- 3 - HELP -------- 3.1 - EasyHelp for Buttons -------------------------- For a brief description of a button action, click the opposite mouse button over the button and a popup window will appear. If the Auto-Button Help option is enabled, the first time you hover over a button the message will appear. (see Options menu below) 3.2 - Description of Menu Functions ----------------------------------- Note: Notations inside of the {} brackets indicate short cut keys. * File {Alt+F} * Open Bitmap File {Ctrl+O} Loads a viewer with a bitmap from a disk file. * Save Bitmap File {Ctrl+S} Saves the bitmap in the active viewer to a disk file. * Save All Bitmaps {Ctrl+A} Opens a dialog for saving all bitmap viewers to disk files. * Print {F7} Sends the active bitmap viewer to the printer for a hard copy. * Print Setup {F8} Opens a dialog to set printing options. * Make Cut-It-Out! Disk {Ctrl+Ins} Provides a means of making a backup or distribution disk. * Exit Viewer {Ctrl+F4} Closes the Viewing Gallery and returns to the Image Cutter. * Exit Program {Shift+Ctrl+F4} Close Cut-It-Out! and returns to Windows. * Edit {Alt+E} * Cut {Ctrl+X} Copies the active bitmap for pasting to other applications and removes the viewer. * Copy {Ctrl+C} Copies the active bitmap for pasting to other applications. * Paste {Ctrl+V} Loads a cut or copied bitmap into a new viewer. * Delete Bitmap Viewer {Del} Removes the active bitmap and its viewer. * Delete All Bitmap Viewers {Shift+Del} Removes all bitmaps and viewers. * View {Alt+V} * Properties {Alt+Bksp} Shows a message with the active bitmap's size in pixels and the system display size and color depth. * Flip Horizontal {Shift+F6} Flips the active image to provide a mirror image about the y-axis. (left to right) * Flip Vertical {Shift+F7} Flips the active image to provide a mirror image about the x-axis. (top to bottom) * Invert Image Colors {Shift+F8} Inverts the active image colors to provide a negative image. * Set Background Color {Ctrl+B} Brings up a color selection dialog for changing the color of the viewer background surrounding the bitmap image. * Show Toolbar {Ctrl+T} When this option is checked the toolbar is visible. * Center Pictures {Ctrl+P} When this option is checked the bitmap images are centered in the viewer windows. * Kiosk Mode {Ctrl+K} When this option is checked the viewing area of the Viewing Gallery is maximized by removing the menu and toolbar and the window fills the screen. Press the 'Esc' key or 'Ctrl+K' to return to normal. * Show Clipboard Viewer {Shift+Ins} Shows the Clipboard Viewer in Windows 3.1 or the Clipbook in Windows 3.11 for examining the contents of the Windows clipboard. * Options {Alt+O} * Default Directories {Ctrl+D} Displays a dialog box to select the default input (file opening) and default output (file saving) directories. * Auto-Refresh {Ctrl+R} This option automatically refreshes the Image Cutter whenever it is moved or resized. * Auto-Button Help {Ctrl+U} When this option is checked the EasyHelp popup text is displayed the first time the mouse pointer hovers over a button. * Startup Viewer Mode {Ctrl+W} This option starts Cut-It-Out! showing the Viewing Gallery instead of the Image Cutter. * Show Startup Screen {F9} Deselecting this option prevents the Cut-It-Out! opening 'splash' screen from showing each time Cut-It-Out! is started. * Cutter Icon Always on Top {Ctrl+F5} When this option is checked the Image Cutter icon will stay on top of other windows for easy access. * Show 'Image on Clipboard' Message {Ctrl+M} This option provides a message verifying that an image that was cut or copied has been placed on the Windows Clipboard. * Cutter Speed {Ctrl+F7} Open a dialog window for adjusting the Image Cutter operating speed to match your system. * Window {Alt+W} * Cascade {Shift+F5} Cascades the visible viewing windows. * Tile Vertical {Shift+F4} Tiles the visible viewing windows in a vertical format. * Tile Horizontal {Ctrl+H} Tiles the visible viewing windows in a horizontal format. * Arrange Icons {Ctrl+I} Arranges the minimized viewing window icons. * Size to Picture {Ctrl+Z} Sizes the active viewer's window to the image it contains. * Size All to Pictures {Ctrl+F3} Sizes all viewer windows to their respective images. * Cascade and Size All {Shift+F3} Cascades and sizes all visible viewing windows. * Size and Uncover Vertical {Shift+F2} Sizes all viewers and uncovers them in a vertical format. * Size and Uncover Horizontal {Shift+F1} Sizes all viewers and uncovers them in a horizontal format. * Help {Alt+H} * Show ReadMe File {F1} Opens the Windows notepad and loads this document for your review. * About Cut-It-Out! {F2} Shows the About box for Cut-It-Out! Includes copyright and serial number. * About Shareware {F3} Displays a discussion of the shareware principle. * About the {F4} Displays information on the Association of Shareware Professionals. * Technical Support {F5} Provides details about support options and contacts. * Registration {F6} Reviews the benefits and procedure of registrating Cut-It-Out! * Cutter! {C or Alt+C} Minimizes the Viewing Gallery and brings up the Image Cutter. ----------- 4 - SUPPORT ----------- 4.1 - Product Support Worldwide ------------------------------- If you have a question about a New Science Products product, first: * Check the on-line Help. (opposite mouse button click over button) * Check the ReadMe.txt file (this document) that comes with your product. (press the F1 key) This file provides general, installation and operational information. * Consult electronic options such as AOL forums (Keyword:NEW SCIENCE), CompuServe forums or bulletin boards, if available. If you cannot find a solution, you can obtain installation and startup product support by contacting New Science Products Support. Regular Mail: New Science Products, Inc. 2915 Lynnhurst Street Sarasota, Florida 34239-3237 USA E-Mail: CompuServe 73171,2677 America Online SteveDNSP Internet 73171.2677@compuserve.com or SteveDNSP@aol.com Forum: America Online Keyword: NEW SCIENCE World Wide Web: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/SteveD_NSP ftp://users.aol.com/SteveDNSP Telephone: 941-951-1568 USA 4.2 - Calling New Science Products Support ------------------------------------------ When you call, you should be at your computer and have the appropriate product documentation at hand. Be prepared to give the following information: * The version and serial number of the product that you are using. * The type of hardware that you are using, including network hardware, if applicable. * The operating system that you are using. * The exact wording of any messages that appeared on your screen. * A description of what happened and what you were doing when the problem occurred. * A description of how you tried to solve the problem. 4.3 - TOLL FREE Support ----------------------- Toll free telephone support is provided to registered users of Cut-It-Out! This service is limited to 30 minutes per registration. This support is provided in addition to the support listed above in Product Support Worldwide. The 800 telephone number is given to users upon registration. ---------------- 5 - DISTRIBUTION ---------------- 5.1 - Distribution Requirements ------------------------------- Please share this shareware and encourage registration. When distributing copies, the copies must contain ALL files supplied in unmodified condition to avoid copyright infringement. See Packing Slip information in the OVERVIEW section above for the listing of required files. All copyrights are reserved. 5.2 - Duplication Instructions ------------------------------ The easiest way to insure all files are included is to use the 'Make Cut-It-Out! Disk' feature by following these steps: step 1 - Start Windows and open Cut-It-Out! step 2 - Click the viewer button (or press the 'V' key) to go to the Viewing Gallery window, if necessary. step 3 - Click the File menu and select 'Make Cut-It-Out! Disk'. step 4 - Follow instructions as they appear. 5.3 - Uploading Instructions ---------------------------- If you want to upload this product to your favorite BBS, on-line service or the Internet, or send it to a friend in e-mail follow the instructions above, 'Duplication Instructions' to create a distribution disk. Then compress the files from the distribution disk created into a single file named cio10.zip (or cio10.lzh, cio10.arj, cio10.arc, for the appropriate compression type). Then upload or attach it to e-mail as a binary file. Following is an example procedure to create a Cut-It-Out! upload file (cio10.zip) in the c:\upload directory from a Cut-It-Out! distribution disk in drive a: using a ZIP compression program in directory c:\zip. step 1 - Create a Cut-It-Out! distribution disk, see 'Duplication Instructions' above. step 2 - Bring up the DOS Prompt from Windows or DOS { C:\WINDOWS> } step 3 - Change default directory to c:\zip using the 'cd' command { C:\WINDOWS>cd c:\zip } { C:\ZIP> } step 4 - Place the Cut-It-Out! distribution disk in drive a: step 5 - Make the upload directory, if needed, using the 'md' command { C:\ZIP>md c:\upload } step 6 - Type 'pkzip c:\upload\cio10.zip a:\*.* -ex' { C:\ZIP>pkzip c:\upload\cio10.zip a:\*.* -ex } step 7 - When done, type 'exit' to close the DOS Prompt if returning to Windows. The file 'c:\upload\cio10.zip' will contain the entire Cut-It-Out! product and is ready to upload or attach to e-mail as a binary file. ---------------- 6 - UNINSTALLING ---------------- 6.1 - Uninstall using Cut-It-Out! Uninstall Utility --------------------------------------------------- step 1 - Start Windows. step 2 - Find the Cut-It-Out! group and double click the Cut-It-Out! Uninstall Icon. step 3 - Follow instructions as they appear. 6.2 - Uninstall manually from Windows 3.1x ------------------------------------------ To remove all Cut-It-Out! specific files: step 1 - Open File Manager. step 2 - Select the Cut-It-Out! parent directory. (i.e., c:\cio10) step 3 - Press the delete key on your keyboard. step 4 - Answer 'Yes' and 'Yes To All' at all prompts. To remove Icons and Group window: step 5 - Open Program Manager and highlight the Cut-It-Out! icon. step 6 - Press the delete key on your key board and click Yes. step 7 - Continue removing all icons from the Cut-It-Out! group window by pressing the delete key and clicking Yes. step 8 - When empty, delete the group window by pressing the delete key on your key board and clicking Yes. 6.3 - Uninstall manually from Windows 95 ---------------------------------------- To remove all Cut-It-Out! specific files: step 1 - Open Explorer. step 2 - Select the Cut-It-Out! parent directory. (i.e., c:\cio10) step 3 - Press the delete key while holding down the shift key on your keyboard. step 4 - Answer 'Yes' and 'Yes To All' at all prompts. To remove Icons and Group: step 5 - Open Explorer, find and highlight the Cut-It-Out! folder. (i.e., c:\windows\Start Menu\Programs\Cut-It-Out!) step 6 - Press the delete key while holding down the shift key on your keyboard. step 7 - Answer 'Yes' and 'Yes To All' at all prompts. 6.4 - Uninstalling shared files ------------------------------- To remove Cut-It-Out! shared files: Following is a list of Cut-It-Out! related files in your 'windows\system' directory. These are commonly used files and may or may not have been on your system before Cut-It-Out! installation. Cut-It-Out! uninstall determines if a file was previously on your system and is the preferred way to remove Cut-It-Out! from your system. If you KNOW which of these files was on your system before Cut-It-Out! was installed or you KNOW if the file is used by any other application or not, then you can safely remove the unused files by deleting from the following file list: cmdialog.vbx vbrun300.dll To remove in Windows 3.1x: Select the file (usually found in the windows/system/ directory) with File Manager , press the delete key on your keyboard and click 'OK'. To remove in Windows 95: Select the file (usually found in the windows/system/ directory) with Explorer, press the shift-delete key on your keyboard and click 'Yes'. You may find that after removing a file, some less frequently used application may call on that file. If this happens you will see an error statement from your application. It may tell you which file it can't find. To recover from this problem you may create a distribution disk to archive these files prior to your deletion action. Follow the steps in the Duplication Instructions above to make the disk. Then when you reinstall Cut-It-Out! you will replace all files. If you once again wish to uninstall Cut-It-Out!, don't remove the required file(s) this time. --------------------------- 7 - LEGAL AND MISCELLANEOUS --------------------------- 7.1 - Ombudsman Statement ------------------------- vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv > < > ASP Ombudsman Information < > < > New Science Products, Inc. is a member of the Association of < > Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that < > the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to < > resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by < > contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The < > ASP ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with < > an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for < > members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at: < > ASP Ombudsman _______ < > 545 Grover Road ____|__ | (R) < > Muskegon, MI --| | |------------------- < > 49442-9427 USA | ____|__ | Association of < > or send a Compuserve | | |_| Shareware < > message via CompuServe |__| o | Professionals < > mail to 70475,1071, or -----| | |--------------------- < > a FAX to 616-788-2765. |___|___| MEMBER < > < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 7.2 - Disclaimer/Agreement -------------------------- Art is often copyrighted and its reuse may be restricted. Check with the art copyright owner before the reuse of art. THIS PRODUCT IS IN NO WAY INTENDED TO ENCOURAGE COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT OR TO BE USED IN ANY ILLEGAL ACTIVITY OF ANY KIND. Users of Cut-It-Out! must accept this disclaimer of warranty: Cut-It-Out! IS SUPPLIED AS IS. THE AUTHOR AND PUBLISHER DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND OF FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE. THE AUTHOR AND PUBLISHER ASSUME NO LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES, DIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL, WHICH MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF Cut-It-Out! THE AUTHOR AND PUBLISHER ASSUME NO LIABILITY FOR ANY USE THAT RESULTS IN COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT OR ANY USE IN ANY ILLEGAL ACTIVITY OF ANY KIND. Cut-It-Out! is a "shareware program" and is provided at no charge to the user for evaluation. Feel free to share it with your friends, but please do not give it away altered. The essence of "user-supported" software is to provide personal computer users with quality software without high prices, and yet to provide incentive for programmers to continue to develop new products. If you find this program useful and find that you are using Cut-It-Out! and continue to use Cut-It-Out! after the trial period, you must make a registration payment to New Science Products, Inc. The registration fee will license one copy for use on any one computer at any one time. See the 'Registration' topic in the 'Help' menu of Cut-It-Out! for registration information. Site-License arrangements may be made by contacting New Science Products, Inc. DISTRIBUTORS: You have permission to distribute our Shareware in its original form as long as: - You identify it as Shareware. - You provide a 'try-before-you-buy' definition of Shareware. - You leave all property (copyright, trademark, patent) notices in place. - You encourage registration for the use of Shareware after evaluation. - You distribute all Cut-It-Out! supplied files unmodified. - We do not ask you to stop. You may unarchive and rearchive the original Cut-It-Out! files into different archive formats. You may include Cut-It-Out! with other programs on the same diskette, CD or other media. However, Cut-It-Out! must maintain a separate identity. To be kept up-to-date with the latest version, anyone distributing Cut-It-Out! for any kind of remuneration must notify New Science Products, Inc., at the address below. Vendors approved by the Association of Shareware Professionals are encouraged to redistribute Cut-It-Out!, subject to the conditions in this license. (However, New Science Products, Inc., must still be advised if the distributor is to be kept up-to-date with the latest version.) New Science Products, Inc. 2915 Lynnhurst Street Sarasota FL 34239-3237 USA The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. - end -